“HOMELY HOSTEL” That is how we define our dwelling place at IHM campus. Our “home away from home” is well built & emphasized on cleanliness. The Institute of Hotel Management, Kurukshetra is in peaceful, clean & aesthetic environment.

  • ​​Institute has 50 Seater boy’s hostel and 40 Seater girl’s hostel in hostel format to show.
  • ​​Students (boys & girls) will be admitted on triple sharing basis (3 students in one room).
  • ​​For the allocation of the room in the hostel, decision of the warden will be final and binding for all the hostlers.
  • ​​Boy’s hostel facility will be extended only in 1st and 2nd semester (Further on request subject to availability).
  • ​​The girls’ hostel facility once accommodated will be available till the completion of the course (On request subject to availability).
  • ​​Mess facility for hostel students will start tentatively from 23rd July with Lunch service

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For 2nd Semester (payable with fee of 2nd semester):
Confirm your admission in hostel within 3 days of allotment of seat by NCHMCT. Admission will be subjected to fee submission by allottess. Hostel fee of 1st semester is to be submitted, by demand draft Rs. 25,750/- in the favour of “Principal Institute of Hotel Management Kurukshetra” payable at Kurukshetra.
Note: Hostel fee once paid will not be refundable except caution money.

1). Hostel Admission, Re-Admission, Exit.
The allotment of hostel will be done by NCHMCT purely on the basis of rank obtained in JEE 2019. Schedule of allotment of Hostel will be as per directions of NCHMCT.
  1. Each boarder will have to vacate his/her room within 24 hours of the termination of the examination. A fine of Rs.250/- per day per student if required, will be taken for overstay as a disciplinary action. Student will be allowed to stay for one academic session in hostel.
  2. While leaving the hostel for winter vacation and on the completion of the term, hostellers are required to get their room inspected by hostel warden and obtain No Dues Certificate.
2). Code Of Conduct & Discipline

The following rules will be followed by all male / female students residing in the hostel. Violation of these rules will make students liable for disciplinary action including expulsion from the hostel. The same rules shall apply to all the female students with modifications as indicated.

  1. RAGGING in the hostel is strictly prohibited and any matter reported, suitable action including FIR may be initiated.
  2. A student must remember that the hostel is the home of the students on the campus, he/she should behave himself/herself on the campus as well as outside in such manner as to bring credit to him/her and to the institution, should not commit any act which may blemish the name of the institution and shall maintain discipline & peaceful atmosphere in the hostel.
  3. Residents must not misbehave or be disrespectful towards any employee/warden of the hostel/ institute. He / She must maintain harmonious relations with employees & others in the hostel. The dealing of students must be courteous.
  4. Residents must not be teasing or otherwise harassing other students and/or use of violence, pass hurtful remarks against others irrespective of religion, gender, caste, etc. Instigating others to commit acts of indiscipline.
  5. Residents must not write on walls, stick posters, and distribute any unauthorized handbills or notices.
  6. Residents must not arrange any religious activity without prior consent of the Warden.
  7. Residents by virtue of their numerical strength are sometimes involved in cases of physical violence or nuisance at public places outside/inside the college campus. In all such cases the college is not legally bound to defend any student. If the necessity arises, the institute authorities may inform the guardian/parents of the residents involved in such incidents. Parents are especially requested to guide their wards so that they don’t indulge in any such incidents.
  8. Residents should not disturb or be a nuisance to the others residing on campus in any manner.
  9. Residents should be decently dressed while roaming around campus.
  10. Residents will carry their identity card all the time and produce the same whenever demanded by the authorities.
  11. Residents are not allowed to use their own electrical appliances such as heaters, iron, music system etc. In case anyone found using the same would be confiscated from the student and suitable fine will be imposed.
  12. Residents should use water and electricity judiciously.
  13. Residents are not to tamper with electrical & sanitary installations. The cost of repair to any damage done to them will be realized from the residents.
  14. Residents will be personally and collectively responsible for any loss or damage to the hostel furniture or other fittings in all the common facilities and places in the hostel, must handle hostel equipment carefully and not abuse or tamper with it.
  15. Damage to any property of hostel will result into a fine upto Rs. 1000/- alongwith the actual cost of damage.
  16. Consumption of alcohol, use of tobacco (in any form) and use of illegal drugs (any intoxicating substance) are strictly prohibited in the hostel. Residents found indulging in consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking & gambling in hostels shall be punished with a fine of Rs. up to 5000/- or expulsion from hostel or both.
  17. Residents found with weapons (any kind) in their possession in the hostel. Other than those used for their prescribed training will be asked to vacate the hostel immediately and no fee will be refunded.
  18. Television in mess can be viewed from 5:30 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. (However on Saturday, Sunday and holiday’s television viewing during day will be allowed subjected to warden’s permission) Television will remain closed during class tests, and semester ending examination.
  19. Cooking in any part of the hostel is not allowed.
  20. No one should use the belongings of other students without their consent.
  21. Each hosteller is responsible to maintain 75% attendance in classes.
  22. The hostel would remain closed from 09.00 a.m. to 05.30 p.m. during the working days of the college. No student should stay back in the hostel during these hours. Permission would be granted only by the warden only in case of an emergency.
  23. Complaints or grievances should be given in writing to the Hostel Warden.
  24. The Warden or a member(s) of institute staff nominated by the Principal of the Institute can inspect the room of any student at any time.
  25. All rooms shall be opened for inspection of Warden at any time during day/night.
  26. Permission to go home would be granted by the warden only. (Absence from hostel without permission will be viewed seriously).
3) Leave, Vacation, ODC And Hostel Timings
  1. Hostel inmates are allowed to go on out of station leaves, night outs and participation in Industrial exposure opportunity in form of Outdoor Catering Activities as per his/her request subjected to warden’s permission. Institute is not responsible for any unfortunate event or mishap during the course of travel or at any time during the event.
  2. Students are not allowed to remain outside the hostel after prescribed time unless taken approval from the warden. On weekends & other holidays students can visit to local market. and their local guardian after mentioning complete details in the in and out register.
  3. All residents should be back in the hostel as per prescribed timing, resident must inform about his absence to the warden in case of emergency.
  4. Girls are not allowed to stay overnight out of the hostel. In urgency written permission from warden is required.
  5. Gates of boy’s and girl’s hostel will close at 09:00 pm & opened at 06:00 am for summers and close at 09:00 pm & opened at 06:00 am for Winters. vi. Roll call of resident names shall be taken every night at 9:00pm.

Note: After the roll call hostel residents are not allowed to leave the Hostel premises.
Summers : – April till October.
Winters : – November till March.

4) Rooms/Facilities
  1. Each Hosteller is required to bring his/ her own mattress, bedding, bucket and mug with themselves at the time of joining the hostel. Each hosteller will be provided with one bed, one study chair, one table and one lockable cupboard.
  2. Every student should stay in the accommodation allotted to him/her by the Warden/Matron concerned. He / She will not be allowed to change the accommodation once allotted.
  3. A student once admitted in the hostel continues to be a hostel inmate throughout the academic session. No amount will be refunded if the inmate decides to leave the hostel mid-session.
  4. A student should check the fittings in his/her room at the time of occupation. If there is any deficiency or inadequacy, it should be brought to the notice of the hostel staff. He/she shall be responsible for the fittings and shall see to it that they are in order at the time of handing over charge of the room when he/she leaves the hostel.
  5. Students are not allowed to use electrical equipments that draws high current e.g. heaters, iron etc. Heaters /geysers /immersion rod (ISI Mark) may be allowed in winters with prior written permission of the warden.
5) Visitors
  1. No parent / friend / relatives will be allowed to enter or stay in the hostel.
  2. Only parents (Mother & Father) will be allowed to meet the resident of girls hostel. If parents are authorizing any relative (even brother, sister or friend) then they should submit in writing and affix the photograph of authorized visitors on the hostel application form.
  3. Day scholar are not allowed in the hostel, if any hosteller is found entertaining day scholar in his / her room, strict action will be taken against him / her leading to expulsion from the hostel.
  4. Non � Residents and outsiders are not permitted into the Hostel premises.
6) Safety & Security
  1. Students must not keep valuables in their rooms.
  2. A student himself/herself is responsible for custody of all of his/her belongings. The Institute will not be held responsible for any loss incurred due to his/her negligence or any other reason whatsoever.
  3. A student shall not hand over the keys to his/her room to any other student / person
  4. He / She not to make duplicate keys to Hostel rooms or any Hostel property therein.
7) Hygiene & Sanitation
  1. Cleanliness of the room/ washroom is to be maintained by the student himself/herself.
  2. Hostlers are required to keep their room and surroundings clean and do sweeping in the room and keep dust bin outside their room, should not throw garbage out of the window, in case anybody’s room found dirty a fine upto Rs.500/- would be imposed.
  3. He / She must maintain high standard of decorum in IHM premises.
  4. All cases of illness, injury and accident must be reported to the Hostel Warden immediately.
  5. Residents suffering from infectious diseases shall, under medical advice, be: allowed to leave the hostel, isolated in the hostel, or admitted to hospital according to nature of the disease.
  6. In case of any ill health/ medical emergency the taxi and hospitalization charges/medical bills will have to be borne by the student himself/ herself.
8) Hostel Mess
  1. The hostel has facility for all 3 meals of the day on holidays and only Breakfast and Dinner for working days. Residents will not go into the cooking area while the food is being prepared.
  2. Meals will not be served after the fixed hours except in case of illness with prior consent of the Warden. All the boys are required to wear proper clothes to go mess.
  3. The mess will remain closed during vacation. Dates for closure will be decided by warden.
  4. All complaints, which require immediate attention of warden, should be made in writing.
  5. Mess workers will be under the control of Mess incharge.
  6. Each hosteller is required to perform specific duties in the mess on rotation basis as per the directives of the mess in charge.

Note: The hostel mess will formally close on the day of the last examination of Second Semester for all the hostel residents.

Mess timings are as follows:
1Breakfast07:45 to 08:45 a.m.
2Lunch01:30 to 02:30 p.m.
3Evening tea06:00 to 06:30 p.m.
4Dinner08:00 to 08:45 p.m.
 (On weekends and holidays, breakfast will be served from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.)

If a hostel resident does not want to take any meal he / she will have to inform the mess in charge four hrs in advance, failing which a fine of Rs. 50/- will be charged.

Note: –The rules and timings are subject to change by authorities without any prior notice.

Principal / Chief Hostel Warden

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